My blog – fiction & real life

This blog is no longer active. For several years I blogged about once a month – about people who had influenced me, inspired my fiction, and kept me optimistic about human nature. I have left some of my blog posts here  to give you a taste of my latest book, Journeys Without A Map: A Writer’s Life – if you enjoy them, get the book!

Sign up to the mailing list if you’d like to get an email to tell you when the next blog post goes up.  I look forward to hearing from you in the comments section.

Change direction

Whenever I see photos of storms at sea, with the waves crashing over fragile sea defences, I am back in the Scilly Isles, that beloved piece of earth, so low-lying, so vulnerable.

We had been three years in Britain before I discovered them – (like Livingstone ‘discovering’ the Victoria Falls.) Our applications to become British citizens were, we hoped, winding through the system, and meanwhile Robert had no travel documents so couldn’t leave the country.… Read more

Untold stories

My book is out –Journeys Without A Map has begun its own journey into the world. Like an anxious parent I watch from a distance. I imagine the warehouse where copies are being despatched to bookshops – but who will ever find it there, among so many? Across continents I hear that those who have ordered it have been told it is  “winging its way to Australia – expected delivery in 15 to 20 days”.… Read more